One morning in September of '06, we came across two sandoli and the girls got an impromptu lesson on the Venetian boat known as a "sandolo".
It's not hard to find a gondola in Venice, but sandoli are quite scarce.
If you look long enough, you'll find one. Finding two, and in such show condition was a nice surprise.
Later, when Nereo Zane and I passed by there, we stopped to take some photos of the two shiny black boats.
Every image Nereo shot was perfect.
This was the best I could do.
> It's not hard to find a gondola in Venice, but sandoli are quite scarce. <
Supposedly sandoli should be the most common thing with an oar in Venice, since just about anything but a gondola is a variant of the sandolo, including barcarole boats, mascarete, puparin, s'ciopon, etc.
Very good point.
I should have specified "passenger sandoli" as being scarce.
The sandolo family of boats includes several variations, and is probably the largest group afloat in Venice.
Thanks for pointing that out.
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