Saturday, March 24, 2012

More Photos from the Prodigy

photos by Cassandra Mohr

In my November 20th post - "Photos from the Prodigy", I shared some photos my daughter had taken aboard a cruise here in Newport.
At 14 she's got a good sense with the camera.
This evening I brought her on the water with my passengers on the Wedding Gondola, and here are a few of the shots she took.

Of course it didn't hurt that we had such nice conditions.
It was fun watching her work, seeing her formulate a picture in her head and figure out how to make it happen, and just being out on the water with my daughter.
Having literally grown up on a gondola, Cassandra moved about from one part of the boat to another with such natural ease that the passengers never felt any movement as she moved.

Bravo, Cassandra!

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