He's an American who's been living in Europe for a while now. While living in Venice he became friends with remer Paolo Brandolisio - one of the few who still carry on the art of forcola and remo making.
Paolo is a talented professional, in fact I row on one of his pieces nearly every day.
The forcola on my gondola "the Phoenix" in Newport is a Brandolisio creation.

Recently William translated Paolo's website into english.
I checked it out and as you might expect, managed to spend far too much time doing so.
Great website, translated well, for a legendary remer.
Check it out for yourself:
Now, why did you have to post that website address? I had other things planned for this morning.
Beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful creations. (Thanks)
Hallo I am Paolo Brandolisio,just to say thank you to you and William.......thank you very much......ciao from Venice
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