He operates a beautiful Venice-built gondola in the ancient city of Utrecht.

She was imported from Venice when she was about 45 years old, owned and displayed by a few museums, and even a zoo, before Arjen bought her.
I've known about the boat for many years, and actually nicknamed her the "Zoo Gondola" because of her last location.
After Arjen acquired the "Zoo Gondola", a major restoration was performed, and now she is a working passenger gondola once again.
Looking at the gondola, you'd never know she was over 25 years old.

This is precisely why I like gondola people so much.
They love the boats and the rowing so much that they'll gladly enable a potential competitor.
I've had a lot of fun getting to know Arjen via e-mail.
He and Tirza make me want to get on a plane and row in another canal city.

To visit Arjen's website, go to:
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