Monday, February 8, 2016

All My Boats are in the Water

Each year, as we get closer to Valentine's Day,
I find myself with a long list of things to do.
Now, some to-do list items are bigger than others.
Getting a boat launched is always the biggest for me.
John Kerschbaum comes to row with us each year about this time,
and he'll often ask me "how's the stress level?"
Today I responded with
"Great. I've got all my boats in the water".
It's kinda like having all your ducks in a row.
There's always at least one boat to launch prior to V-day.
Today it was the Wedding Gondola.
Here she is on trailer in front of my house.

Getting ready for launch.
Jakob helped me with the launching and such today.
He then got the honor of rowing the Wedding Gondola back to dock.

Smiling Jakob.

And there she is, freshly painted and ready for cruising.

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