Saturday, May 3, 2008

The "Little Venice" in Livorno

On a cruise ship stop a couple years back, we were excited about seeing the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
I know it's cheesy, but my kids and I were hoping to take turns pretending to hold the tower up for the camera. As we made our way through the city of Livorno, I was surprised at how much “Venice” I saw; canals, Venice-like architecture, and even Venetian symbols were present. While Livorno is actually in the Tuscan region, the Influence of Venice can be seen in many places. the only things missing were gondolas!

This photo was taken in the "Venice District".

These two arches, which used to be part of an ancient structure, now adorn side canals where private boats are parked near the shipping terminal.

Now that looks familiar.

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