Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tucking In for Winter

As I sit here with a mug of something hot and a few things to nibble on,
I reflect on the year and am reminded of my friends who have their gondolas out of the water until spring.
Here are a few moments captured, of gondolas getting tucked in for winter.
One of John Kerschbaum's boats rests on her trailer, with the beginnings of what's become known as The "Kerschbaum Trailer-Tent" Method.
And John knows a thing or two about winter.
By now the boats of Gondola Romantica are well on their way to looking like they did in 2013 (see Fresh Blanket in Minnesota). 
Uwe Kunze's beautiful gondola - just prior to being rolled into her warm,
dry winter home.  In this case the mode of transport involves train-type rails.
to see Uwe's site, go to
And then there's Providence, Rhode Island.
I got a nice collection of photos and video clips
from our friends at La Gondola.
Backing her up on the trailer.

With clever placement of double-doors, the folks in Providence are able to back the tail of a gondola right into the building, and then roll her in using logs and other implements.

Proper spacing of the logs helps.

Sometimes you have to throw your weight into the project.
Then there's the actual rolling.

And of course, you've gotta know when to say "That's it."
With Christmas behind us, Hanukkah in full swing,
and the new year fast approaching,
I send my warmest wishes to my gondolier friends in "wintery places".
Three gondolas rest for winter in Providence, with smiling faces all around.

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