Wednesday, November 14, 2007


A close-up shot of the van, jam-packed with suitcases.

Here’s a salute to the unsung hero of our expedition: my wife Elisa.
While we were rowing down the river, she was:

Checking us out of our hotels (often the group stayed in two hotels)
Packing everybody’s luggage into the van (from both hotels)
Driving it down to the next two hotels
Checking us in to the new hotels
Getting the luggage distributed properly
Taking phone calls from the press
Answering e-mails from the press
Shopping for last-minute items
Keeping our business interests at home on-track
And half of the time, with our two daughters in-tow

You want to know who my heroes are? I mentioned some of them in my post on November 9th, but above them all is the woman I married.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t also give a big thanks to Martina and Daniela Zane for helping with some of the above items when they were on-hand. This expedition could not have been a success without the kind of “backstage” support we received.

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