Monday, August 8, 2016

American Medals

photo by Ignus Holm

Like many of you, I've given a fair amount of my time and attention lately to the Olympic Games going on down in Rio.

I was raised in a house where every four years we were glued to the TV,
eating it up like the best thing ever shown on screen. 

Summer and Winter Olympics, I love them both.
I enjoy watching spirited competition, but I also like seeing the friendships between athletes from different countries.

Of course I'm pushing for the home team, but I also appreciate a good contest, and if the other team really earns it, then they often earn my respect as well.

At the end of the final match, they award the medals.
Today's post features a photo of Michael Ruffino - winner of the silver medal in the Solo Distance event of the 2015 US Gondola Nationals.
He's one of my favorite American gondoliers,
and I believe he captures the spirit of our competition.

To read more about Mike, see my post "Ruffino - From Cage to Rage" .

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