Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Taste of Italy at BCYC

Today Simon and I brought two gondolas to the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club
(at the opposite end of the harbor) for their "Taste of Italy" night.
There were about a hundred people in attendance - all enjoying great food,
fun conversations, and all waiting to climb aboard a gondola for a short but enjoyable cruise.
Two Venetian beauties, ready and waiting.
Heading under the bridge to Balboa Island.
Our route was from BCYC, to the Marine Avenue bridge to Balboa Island,
a loop under, and ten back to the club.
The sprint course for this year's USGN will follow a similar route,
but turning at a buoy just prior to reaching the bridge.
Longer races include passage through the arches of this bridge.

 Simon and his passengers enjoying the last hour of sunshine.

 My passengers catching the sun's remarkable "splashdown".
One more great twilight shot.

Soon many of you will row these waters during the races this November.
The folks at BCYC are looking forward to watching...and cheering.

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