Thursday, October 31, 2019

Scary Faces

photos by Josh Sopp

With Halloween upon us, and Nationals still close in our rear view mirror, 
I thought this small collection of photos might be appropriate.

We all know that the tandem duo of Ivano and Mariano are good looking guys, but sometimes when we're in the middle of a fight, we make faces.  
And these two are no exception.

While snaking back and forth in the obstacle course, 

Marian blessed the world with this amazing expression:

Later, in the Distance Tandem, Ivano gave his best "Angry Samurai" face while blasting to a Second Place finish.

Let's take a closer look at that magnificent scowl:
These photos were captured by Josh Sopp, who after Nationals was seen at his desk, looking about as dead as he felt, but he did have a medal to show for all his effort.

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